Introduction to Atomon
Robert Leaver, 1/25/25
As 2025 begins, we all - every individual on earth - is engaged in a fight to the death with the oligarchy. It’s a fight the individual has been losing since language took off, c. 50,000 YA., because language led to larger communities and male leadership hierarchies, which in turn led to rivalrous tribalism, city and nation states, technology, and most recently the pinnacle of oligarchy, the New World Order. Our name, Atomon, is the Greek word for individual.
The dictionary definition of oligarchy is a small group of people having control of a country or institution. The oligarchy at issue is the male leadership hierarchy comprised of other male leadership hierarchies in governments, banking, multinational corporations, the UN, NGO’s such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Zionists and organized crime. For our purposes, oligarchy refers to the neoliberal technocracy which wants to own and control everything, including the individual.
Oligarchy may be said to have begun with the Agricultural Revolution, 8,000-10,000 YA. The foremost apparatus for oligarchy is the written word (c. 1700 BC). Writing led to city states (400-500BC) and the world’s great religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, all formed between 2300 BC and 570 AD.
Mind you, in the year 1 CE, it’s estimated that there were only 170 million Homo sapiens on earth. Eight billion is fifty-three times 170 million.
The printing press (1440 CE) radically expanded the range and power of the written word, as did the steam engine, (1705-1769) which enabled mass printing. At the beginning of the 20th century, mass printing led to advertising, which soon morphed into propaganda which in turn, beginning in WWII, morphed into mass formation and mind control.
The foremost catalyst of oligarchy has been the organized greed known as capitalism. Capitalism is said to have come into existence in 1600 when the British formed one of the first joint stock companies, the British East India Company.
Over time, capitalism’s individual control of production gave rise to, and came into conflict with, socialism, in which the government controls production. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, the conflict between the two was largely resolved in capitalism’s favor.
Capitalism was able to overcome socialism because of its creation, in 1939, of Neoliberalism. The function of Neoliberalism has always been to organize proponents of laissez faire capitalism into a criminal cabal which will then undermine and replace all traditional forms of government – communist as well as democratic. Neoliberal’s “every man for himself” gangsterism is the core principle of the New World Order. (Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab created the World Economic Forum in 1971, the same year Lewis F. Powell submitted his confidential memo to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce urging the free enterprise system to counterattack against what he called “disquieting voices.”)
Thus far, the neoliberal oligarchy has enjoyed unprecedented success. It even appears to have subverted the BRIC alliance formed to oppose it.
The world is now suffering from what is known as the Iron Rule of Oligarchy. The term was coined by the German sociologist Robert Michels in his 1911 book Political Parties. Michels' theory states that all complex organizations, regardless of how democratic they are when started, eventually devolve into oligarchies. Since no sufficiently large and complex organization can function purely as is, power within an organization will always get delegated to individuals within the group, elected or otherwise.
Michels concluded “It is organization which gives dominion of the elected over the electors. Who says organization, says oligarchy.”
The foremost harm done by oligarchy is that it undermines individualism. The simple, undeniable fact is that it has always been individuals who have provided the vision, creativity, and labor – the can-do, how-to, and let’s do, to advance civilization. The neoliberal oligarchy believes that it can replace individuals with trans-human robots which lack “disquieting voices.”
In replacing individualism with oligarchy, the seekers of wealth and power are lapsing into a form of left-brain dominated, pathological thinking which will inevitably lead to the extinction of our species. The oligarchy may be a master of method, but it’s a moron of meaning.
Atomon was conceived to counter oligarchy by affirming individuality. Our ideas are not new. Many of our greatest philosophers have articulated them cogently and persuasively. At their best, the ideas describe the richest, most fulfilling and loving way for human beings to live. But the elements of oligarchy have so far undermined the philosophers’ ideas - as well as subverted the movements to which sprang up from them.
Atomon understands that the conflict between the oligarchy and the individual is most fundamentally about the psychodynamic behind the use of language. Linguists have pointed out that language is the basic ideology behind all other ideologies, and that most fundamentally language is assertion with intention. The psychopathology of the oligarchy is apparent in its underlying intention.
Alfred Korzybski, founder of General Semantics, explained that humans are both “inheritors of the bygone ages and the trustee of posterity.” He went on to name the capacity “time binding” and to explain that time binding is what Homo sapiens do.
The problem is that as long as language has been spoken, it has been the male leadership hierarchies that have determined which experiences will be preserved, how those experiences will be characterized, recorded and saved, and to whom and how they will be passed on to the next generation.
Man's achievements rest upon the use of symbols.... we must consider ourselves as a symbolic, semantic class of life, and those who rule the symbols, rule us.
- Alfred Korzybski
In addition to identifying time binders, Korzybski reminded us of the underlying lie in language. Referring to the symbols we use to represent our perceptions of reality, he noted that “What you say a thing is, it isn’t.” The knowable symbol is not the incomprehensible thing being symbolized. The map is not the territory.
It is critical that we be sensitive to the psychodynamics behind the assertions of language. As with all initiatives to complete control, they are grounded in fear. Fearful leaders betray the led and, if they don’t succeed in pacifying them, are invariable deposed.
Another way of viewing the conflict between individuals and the oligarchy is through the understanding of human consciousness. It is now accepted that our consciousness, and everything we’re conscious of, are imagined. That being the case, it raises the question: Who is controlling what I imagine, how are they doing it, and to what end? It is the shocking answer to that question which led to the idea of Atomon.
The mission of oligarchy is to cull and enslave the citizenry to serve the interests of the oligarchy. Oligarchy’s method for doing this is to control what individuals think and do. Over the past 20+ years, its primary tool for achieving this control has been mass communication technology (MCT).
Atomon’s response is to organize individuals to develop better self-understanding, improve the quality of their decision-making, and create the people they want to be. As part of that process, individuals will withdraw from oligarchy’s institutions and redesign MCT to serve self-creation. Atomon will not attack oligarchic institutions directly. Our strategy is to redirect our spending habits in such a way that we diffuse oligarchy by weakening its markets, income, and power.
The personal fulfillment individuals get out of participating in Atomon will be determined by the magnitude of their commitment. If they commit, they will be committing to undertake the mythic heroic quest, which is to elevate internal authority over external authority. They will be accessing and following what Mahatma Gandhi called our “still, small voice of truth.” It’s the essence of the heroic quest because it’s inborn and natural – watch children at play. And, it has always been denied to the individual by culture. Humans do not set out to become sheep.
We intend to organize into small communities in which the individuals will elicit and listen to themselves and one another to nurture self-creation, then set out as a team to transform society.
Atomon isn’t a club, or even a movement. It is the birthright of each and every one of us. Given our history, it is a worldwide transformation in the making. Baring catastrophe, our success is assured by our innate drive for freedom, metanoia, and transcendence. Freud’s personal integration, Jung’s individuation, and Maslow’s self-actualization are not anomalies. Atomon holds that individual self-creation is the destiny of the human race.
Welcome to Atomon.